Professional Supervison

Professional supervision is an ongoing activity central to the professional identity and growth of allied health workers where you will experience an educative and supportive process focused on critical reflection, application in the practice area, and accountability.

In professional supervision, some of the areas I can support you are:

  • Reflect on your clinical skills in an honest, vulnerable and non-judgmental space where you will be listened to and guided by me

  • A safe space to share your fears and ideas

  • Imposter syndrome and the scarcity model

  • Instil new beliefs

  • Learn practical tools and strategies to assist your practice or business

  • Grow your practice or business in the perinatal or parenting space

Hi, I’m Karen O’Mara

I am a clinical social worker with more than 25 years experience working primarily with families with babies, toddlers and primary school aged children. I have worked across statutory work in child protection, hospital social work focused on supporting families in the intensive care units of maternity and children’s hospitals, and in individual and group counselling for mothers. I also volunteered for over 10 years for a non for profit organisation providing breastfeeding support. I have been working independently and have grown my own business in the area of perinatal social work since 2019.

Throughout my various roles across my career I have often supervised a team of staff or volunteers. I really enjoy providing support and guidance to other professionals as they work in similar fields, particularly in supporting families with young children.

I have a range of qualifications as listed, and am committed to ongoing professional development of my own by upskilling through various courses and training platforms. I’m an avid reader of books to further my knowledge and skills in the perinatal social work field. I undertake regular external supervision of my own for accountability, guidance, and to ensure that my services meet best practice.

  • Masters of Social Work

  • Bachelor of Arts - Psychology major

  • Certificate IV Breastfeeding Education

  • Certificate IV Training and Assessment

  • Certificate in Staff and Student Supervision

  • Member of the Australian Association of Social Workers

  • Medicare registered for Non-directive pregnancy support counselling

  • Registered Circle of Security® Parenting™ Facilitator

  • Completed Perinatal and Infant Mental Health training

  • Completed the Centre of Perinatal Excellence perinatal loss training

  • Completion of Bearing the Unbearable: A comprehensive relationship-based training for perinatal loss and grief

  • Accredited Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC) practitioner with the Possums Program

  • Becoming Us mental health relationships practitioner

Ready to get started?

Sessions are available face-to-face in East Brisbane or via Zoom. The cost per session is $175 and is provided on an individual basis.