How to get house work done with a newborn and a toddler

Feel like you work all day and nothing gets done?

The never ending pile of dirty dishes

Are you a stay at home mum? Who stays at home? Who has all day to get stuff done, yet suddenly it is almost dinner time, your partner is about to walk through the door and the place is a tip? The guilt sets in. What did you actually do all day? No housework got done, the washing you put in the machine is still sitting in there wet, the dirty dishes are piling up, and you can’t remember if you had a shower. Hmm… if this sounds like you, you are not alone!

How will you ever get housework done?

Yes, I am still in my pajamas. What did I accomplish today? The kids are still alive!

My Top 5 Housework Tips

1. Baby wipes are your best friend! You can use them to wipe furniture, benches, bathroom sinks, walls. They can wipe anything off your baby’s hands and face, or your own. Keep them everywhere – in the house, the car, the nappy bag, the bottom of the pram! If you don’t like the idea of using copious amounts of baby wipes for environmental or financial reasons, buy some cheap face washers. Use them after your baby has eaten family foods and it’s everywhere and then throw them in the wash. Use them to wipe down the bathroom sink! 

2. Clean as you go. While you are brushing your teeth, wipe the sink with a cloth. Having a shower? Scrub the walls. We don’t have time for proper cleaning when we have babies and toddlers so just get the bare basics done when you can. Wipe the fridge out while you wait for vegies to cook. 

3. Run the dishwasher even if it isn’t full. I didn’t learn this tip until my kids were much older but I love it! It means that you regularly have clean dishes, even if you use the eco cycle to use less water.

4. Become a laundry master. For every person in your house, have a separate laundry basket. You most likely throw it all into one basket in a mess and it might get dumped on the couch, your kitchen table, or the floor because you need to use the basket again for the next load. Go and buy a few cheap baskets. Every time you take the washing off the line or out of the dryer, place each item into each person’s basket. That way if you are hectic and need clean undies for yourself, you know to go straight to your own basket and they will be there. You don’t need to sort through the entire mountain of washing.

5. Use containers to stay organised. Kids toys are so hard to keep tidy. If you have people popping over, it’s easy to do a quick clean up by using containers, baskets, bins, totes, to shove everything in! Kids are more likely to help too if you ask them to put things in a container/basket.

Final Thoughts

Mothering a baby and/or a toddler is exhausting. Sleep deprivation makes you move in slow mo, while a cyclone is happening around you. If the only thing you did today was feed your children and love them, that is enough! We are ever so critical of ourselves because someone once said that we must be “perfect mothers” – Supermums – whatever that means. I’ll let you in on a little secret: she doesn’t actually exist! I promise you that your house will not look like a bomb hit it forever. Your children will grow and you will get stuff done. Mama, squeeze those bubbas just a little more because that is way more important than vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom.

If you are looking for more support around managing motherhood in the home, register now for The Messy Life workshop.


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